CFPB Closing Disclosure Software
Promotion Price: $149/first year. Annual renewals are just $99.The Closing Disclosure is a five (5) page form that describes the critical aspects of your mortgage loan. Included in this document are your loan terms, purchase price, monthly payments and how much you will pay in closing costs and other expenses. The closing disclosure sets forth all final loan terms and costs for a consumer. Your lender is required by law to give you the standardized Closing Disclosure at least 3 business days before closing. The 3-day window gives the borrower time to review the final terms of a mortgage and ensure that there are no errors or concealed fees.
The borrower will want to compare the Closing Disclosure with the Loan Estimate from the lender to see if anything substantial has changed. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulates the mortgage lending industry and developed the closing disclosure form.

Our software automates the preparation and printing of the closing disclosure forms. Type in data exactly as it would appear on the form. The software does all of the math. Print on plain letterhead paper with any windows supported printer. Print preview is also available. The resulting printed product has a commercially prepared appearance. Data entered may be stored/saved anywhere on your hard drive or to external diskettes as a .hud file for quick retrieval.
Closing agents know that an automated, easy to use closing software is an absolute must. You want the software to handle all of the math AND you want the design to be simple enough that anyone can use it. Other features include:
- FREE technical support.
- Federally compliant and easy-to-complete.
- FREE downloadable trial. We can provide a passcode to register the software for 30 days at no cost.
- Software has been updated for compliance with CFPB Regulation Z revision of 12/23/2021.
- Option to create PDF files.
Download our FREE demo and try it. Those who try our demo, buy it!
All of our software functions on any Windows operating system. The software functions on networks or stand-alone personal computers and is compatible with all printers.
30-Day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee!

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